Dear Tim*, Please know that I don't hate you I really don't and if you were to reappear by my side I wouldn't fight it. I keep hoping that you're going to come back. My friends think I'm better off without you, they tell me if you were to return I shouldn't let you back in because I deserve better and maybe I do, but I believe in second chances and I believe that you are a good person. But I'm angry too and you know how much I struggle with anger. I have great trouble in being angry especially because I believe it's my fault, I'm the reason you left, I'm too much and for that I'm sorry. So, how can I be angry when it's my fault, it isn't fair on you, that's how I see it anyway. Instead of continuing to try and suppress my anger, I need to let it out. I hope you read this, that you understand how much you've hurt me and how I wish you'd come back. I hope you know how shitty it is having you there one day ...